Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 7, 2010

Happy Friday! (I’m sending this a little early because I’ll be at a conference on Friday, but we’ll celebrate early.)

Monday started off with a wonderful opportunity to see one of our students recognized at the State Career-Based Intervention (CBI) Conference! Jasmine Miller, a CBI student at our satellite program at Bunsold Middle School in Marysville, was selected by the State CBI Board as one of only two students in the state to receive a $1,000 scholarship for further education after high school. I was so pleased to hear, as she gave her acceptance speech, that she plans to attend Ohio Hi-Point in her junior and senior years to help prepare for college. We look forward to having a student of Jasmine’s caliber in one of our workforce programs! (Photos to follow in press release!)

I appreciate those who were able to attend our final Staff Breakfast for the year on Tuesday and those who shared their “celebrations.” We had a bunch! It was nice to hear of all the personal celebrations in your lives (grandchildren, marriages, adult children moving out of the house!) And it was especially gratifying to hear the success stories you shared about our programs and students. I hope you feel great about the part you’ve played in those success stories!

Wednesday at the Logan County Chamber of Commerce board meeting, one of the members of the current Leadership Logan County class shared the experiences she’s had participating in the program. Among other experiences, she described the group’s tour of Ohio Hi-Point on Education Day and couldn’t say enough about how amazing the programs were and what neat opportunities our students have. She echoed a sentiment I’ve often had—she said she wishes she were in high school again so she could take advantage! Just another example of how the OHP story is being shared in the community and how it comes back around for me to share with you.

I hope you all took a moment to express your appreciation to our Health & Safety Coordinator (school nurse), Amy McCarthy, on the flower outside her office as part of Nurse Appreciation Day (Thursday). A very special “Thank You” to our Early Childhood Education (ECE) students for creating this special flower. Angie Walls, ECE teacher, told me it was “huge”; and she wasn’t kidding! (See photo at right.) It was really neat to read all the messages staff and students had written to “Nurse Amy” about the many ways she supports us all and makes this a great place to work. And I’d like to extend that appreciation to the many nurses we have on staff as instructors—you’re helping to “grow” the next generation of healthcare workers which our society needs so very much!

Finally, I wish all of our mothers a happy Mother’s Day! I hope you all get to spend time with your mother, or get to talk with your mother over the miles if you're apart, or spend some time remembering your mother. Did you know Mr. T has a Mother’s Day song? (I’ll let you Google that one to find it on You-Tube; it’s pretty funny.) And if you’re too young to remember Mr. T, the rest of us really don’t want to hear about it.

Have a great weekend!