Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010

I hope you’ve all had a great week, albeit a little wet and dreary. The sun yesterday was great to see! And hang on, I hear there’s more coming our way Sunday. I will say, though, that even a mediocre gardener (such as myself) can have pretty good results with the help of all this rain—everything is pretty lush.

I love to share the stories of hearing good things about OHP from out and about in the community. Earlier this week I needed to call a local law enforcement agency for some confidential records; and when I introduced myself as the Superintendent at OHP, the gentleman on the other end of the line said, “Oh, hi!” (as if we had met). Later in the conversation, he shared with me that his son attends here in one of our automotive programs. He told me, “My son loves Hi-Point. I love Hi-Point, too!” I told him I was really glad to hear that! Sometimes even the more unpleasant tasks in my job reap some positive rewards.

Tuesday evening was our first annual Satellite Senior Celebration here on Main Campus. The start of another great tradition! Several of our satellite teachers combined efforts to put this ceremony together which brought our senior satellite students together to receive their Certificates of Completion. Each teacher also presented an Outstanding Student Award, and the stories of what some of these students have overcome and what they’ve accomplished were simply amazing. All together, 119 students were completers in 15 workforce development programs at our satellite sites—my, how we’ve grown! I could tell the students really enjoyed the recognition, and the parents obviously enjoyed the chance to beam with pride! I look forward to this ceremony for many years to come.

We’re going to have a very special group of visitors next week, so I want to give you a heads up. On Wednesday and Thursday, the Site Selection Committee for the National Air Force Radar Museum will be visiting our campus as a finalist for a museum to honor those men and women who “scanned the skies” to protect our country. We’re very excited about the possibility of the museum being located here on Campbell Hill, the former site of the 664th Aircraft Control & Warning Station. And, although we’re a little biased, we feel the rich aviation heritage of this region makes this the perfect spot! The group will be holding meetings with myself and local leaders to gauge support and touring the campus to see what we have to offer. I know you’ll make them feel welcome as always.

Have a great weekend, and rest up for the “home stretch” over the next couple of weeks!