Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

TGIF April 23, 2009

Welcome to another Friday—and a beautiful one at that! I hope you’ve had a good week; and I can safely assume it’s been crazy busy for all of you. And we’re not even to “May Madness” yet!

The administrative team and I have been out and about the state this week at various teacher recruiting events. It’s a difficult time to be away from campus, but this is such an important opportunity to talk to and recruit the very best teachers for our students. (That’s how we’ve found many of you!) I always enjoy the chance to talk with young people (and some more “veteran”) who are seeking teaching positions and listening to their teaching philosophies and experiences. Takes me back to when I was seeking my first teaching job (too many years ago to mention!) I can sense their excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. How wonderful that we still have so many young people who consider teaching to be the ultimate career.

At both of the two recruiting events I attended (Ohio University and University of Findlay), I had candidates approach me (academic teachers) and tell me they had done or were doing their student teaching at career centers and they absolutely love it! They were specifically seeking opportunities to teach in a career center. This is a huge pat on the back to career-tech in Ohio because it’s obvious these young teachers have realized the value of relevant academic instruction tied to career pathways. Good for them for taking notice!

Speaking of outstanding teachers, I’m sure most of you have heard or read that our very own Deb Purcell, Health Technologies Teacher, was selected as a 2009 recipient of the Rotary Excellence in Teaching Award. Deb, who was nominated by a student, is one of three teachers selected from a very distinguished group of nominees. We’re proud of you, Deb; and thank you for the excellent work you do for students every day!

We held our final meeting of the year for the Student Advisory Council on Thursday and celebrated with ice cream. (Most of them said they’d never had Graeter’s Ice Cream before, and I just didn’t feel they could go through life without that experience!) This has been a great group of students to work with—they’ve brought us concerns of the student body, worked to solve problems within the school, and served as spokespersons for communicating administrative decisions to students. And, a little selfishly on my part, they give me an opportunity to connect with students, which is a rare treat in my position. I look forward to forming a new group and continuing the discussion next year.

Next week will be chock-full with activities for our 35th anniversary! I hope you’ve all taken notice of the promotion of scheduled events in the various media and through Shane’s communications. Please join us for as many events as you can to celebrate the tremendous contribution this school, and the many staff members over the years, have made to the region.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend, wear your sunscreen, and get some rest!