Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

First, welcome back from spring break! I hope you all enjoyed some time away from work and were able to relax and renew. It was mighty quiet around here without staff and students—it’s good to have all the activity back! We certainly had a typical “Ohio smorgasbord” of weather during the break—snow, rain, sun, a little bit of everything. I hear some of you escaped to warmer climates—good for you!

Last Wednesday I met as part of an Ohio Association of Career-Technical Education task force to write a formal response to legislators regarding replacing the Ohio Graduation Test with the ACT as a measure of academic attainment for high-school graduation. The group discussed several pros and cons. What we came to agreement on is that:

· Ohio ACTE supports the four components of the proposed graduation requirements as a more representative and complete assessment of all students. Implementing graduation requirements that include a standardized test, community service, senior project and end-of-course exam is a better way to measure students’ attainment of 21st Century Skills and a more reliable indicator of future success, whether a student is entering college or the workforce.
Ohio ACTE recognizes the significance of a nationally standardized assessment, such as the ACT, as one part of an overall assessment for graduation.
· Career-technical education has a tradition of project-based learning and community service. Our students are well prepared to enter college or the workforce upon graduation and have a positive impact on Ohio’s economy.
· Many career technical programs have in place excellent models of project-based learning and senior projects, and we would be happy to share those with you and all members of the State School Board.
· We offered our assistance and support as legislators plan, design, and assess the four-part components for graduation requirements that are essential to the attainment of 21st Century skills.

Tuesday morning I had an opportunity to meet with Jeff Tomko, Vice President of Honda Transmission Manufacturing of America. I also had a chance to tour the plant at Russell’s Point. As I’m sure you’ve heard or read in the news, all of Honda’s production facilities are facing difficult times and making cutbacks in order to weather the current economic tough times. But the mood as I spoke with Mr. Tomko was optimistic. It’s amazing to me how complex organizations such as Honda are and yet how relatively quickly they can respond to changing economic conditions. I think they set a great example for those of us in education. I look forward to having Mr. Tomko tour our facilities to view our engineering/manufacturing programs and academic offerings.

Wednesday I had the absolute pleasure of judging the Business Department’s Etiquette Luncheon. (The luncheon, by the way, was a delicious meal prepared and served by Culinary Arts!) How fun it was to sit and have a “business lunch” with four students: Cody from Bellefontaine and Devon from Marysville (Information Technology students), and Chelsea from West Liberty-Salem and Ashley from Triad (Business Administrative Technology students). The time just flew by as we talked about why they chose to come to OHP, what their plans are for the future, what they like most about their career-tech programs, what their “dream job” would be—even what their favorite fast food is! These young people are well on their way to being successful in interviewing situations and on the job. Many thanks to Amanda Blackburn and Heather Reed for organizing this wonderful learning experience for these students and allowing me to participate.

The Logan County Chamber of Commerce Safety Committee meets monthly at our facility, and I had a chance to sit in on the meeting Thursday. The topic was identity theft, and Jim Ball from Fifth Third Bank was the presenter. Scary stuff—and something we all need to be concerned about. Long story short—check all your statements carefully every month; if you receive offers that seem too good to be true, they probably are; don’t open e-mails from sources you don’t know; and keep those passwords carefully protected!

This morning I had the privilege of welcoming secretaries from our 14 partner school who attended Ohio Hi-Point’s District Secretary’s Workshop. This is the fourth year we’ve extended an invitation to these office professionals to attend this event. It’s one very small way we can thank those who take care of us day in and day out for all they do to keep our schools running smoothly. Next Wednesday is Administrative Professionals Day—hint, hint! Don’t forget to recognize those who do so much to support you in your work.

Another income tax filing day has come and gone—I hope it wasn’t too unkind to you. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln signed the U.S. income tax into law in 1862 to help pay the expenses of the Civil War? Somehow the tax has stuck around long after that war ended! Old Abe did so much good for our country, I guess we have to forgive him this one slip-up.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!