Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

Ironically, today’s “surprise” snow day falls exactly one month after the last “surprise” one we had—Friday, February 26. I had really hoped we were finished with all of this—who knew?!? I guess I jinxed it when I bid winter good riddance last week.

So, have you been waiting for this Friday for a while? I know most of you will be getting some much-deserved time off next week. The timing is perfect—you’ll need to recharge your batteries as we get into the “end-of-the-year avalanche” that’s ahead!

With the exception of the weather today, this has been such a great week. I hope you’re following Shane’s news releases to keep up with the many events around our district and student successes.

This week started with the “grand opening” and dedication of our new paint booth in Auto Collision on Monday morning. We had a great turnout of program advisory committee members, local auto industry representatives, and contractors who worked on the project. And, of course, our Sloan Trustees, who made it all possible. Bob Newland, Auto Collision teacher, and his students did a terrific job of demonstrating the capabilities of this new booth—what a huge improvement over the old one! They’ve been very, very patient as we worked through the permitting, licensing, and construction process for this project (nothing’s ever easy in public schools!) But Bob told me Monday, “I’m at the top of my game now!” No doubt. A sign hangs on the side of the paint booth which reads, “To whom much is given, much is expected.” I’m going to assume it was Bob who put that up as a reminder to his students how grateful they should be for this technology and to remind them to take good care of it. What an appropriate message. I took a video of the students at work in the new booth, but the file was too large and I couldn’t get it transferred from my phone (still working on those technology skills!) But Shane’s coverage of the event and his photos/videos on our website are much better anyway—check them out.

Wednesday evening’s Board Meeting was just chock-full of recognition for students as well as programs. The posting on our website gives full coverage, but in addition to recognizing our Students of the Month, our Information Technology team presented their video on Dr. Earl Sloan as a “Local Hero” (this is the video they took to state competition), we presented Dave Duff, local building developer who partners with us on our Construction Trades teachers on the project house, with a proclamation from State Representative Dave Burke commending him for the construction of the Touchstone Energy Home last school year, and we heard from Donna Atkinson, Business Teacher at our Graham satellite, about the High School of Business Program, which gives our students incredible credit articulation opportunities. We also got an update on the latest competitive events winners in all of our Career-Tech Student Organizations—the list is growing as events take place! Be sure to follow the news releases and our website to see our winners and extend well-deserved congratulations!

Thursday I attended another Ohio School Funding Advisory Council. Not much new to report. The subcommittee working on CTE funding is still pretty much entrenched in learning about CTE and studying the history of CTE funding. It’s been good, though, to be in the room and answer questions as they come up, and even to cite specific programs, delivery models, and student opportunities. One member did commend us, though, for the data we have to show student achievement both while in our programs and after completion; and he asked why our model of contextualized learning isn’t used across all of education. Hmmm . . . good question!!

For those of you who are taking time off next week, have a wonderful spring break! Travel safely, rest up, and we’ll see you back here for the “home stretch”!