Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009

We end another week with some great activities on campus! Not being prone to superstition, I think this Friday the 13th is shaping up to be a beautiful one.

Our Sophomore Career Days have taken place Thursday and Friday, and it’s been really fun to have 10th graders from our partner schools here to visit our programs. The fog on Thursday morning threw a couple of wrenches into the schedule, but as always we regrouped and went on with the show!

I had the chance to get into most of the labs and see what our current students had cooked up for the visitors. They did a terrific job! Charlie in Building Maintenance oversaw the “Cookie Challenge” quiz on basic tool identification. I won a cookie for identifying the bonus tool—a socket wrench. But identifying some of the other tools took a little help from instructor Doug Limes! (See photo at right—recognize all those?)

I also got to see the new Bobcat in Professional Turf and Landscaping being demonstrated—I had no idea that thing had heat and windshield wipers! (See a 10th grader checking it out at left.) And a student in Cosmetology very graciously offered to give me some hair extensions (in hot pink). I told her I didn’t think I could pull it off quite as well as she does. But the wax hand dip was heavenly!

Finally, I got to witness along with the 10th graders visiting Auto Services what happens when jumper cables aren't hooked up properly. Mr. Lindsey and his students had a very entertaining (and memorable) presentation! It certainly stressed the importance of getting it right. (See photo at right)

What a pleasure it was to see our students in action sharing their enthusiasm about their programs! Thanks to all teachers and other staff who made our Sophomore Career Days such a great success. We hope to see all of those 10th graders back for our Career Preview/Taste of the Future on the evening of November 19!

Monday and Tuesday I attended the Ohio School Boards Association Capital Conference for Board Members and Superintendents. On Tuesday morning, the Ohio Association of Career-Technical Superintendents hosted a breakfast meeting for board members, and we had over 181 career-technical board members in attendance representing 42 career centers! I think that demonstrates the tremendous support we have from our board members to assure that our programs remain strong. We appreciate that they took time out of their busy conference schedules to hear state and national updates on career-technical education.

Thursday evening I attended the annual Union County “Salute to Leaders” Dinner. I love that this community takes time each year to formally recognize leaders in several areas, including health care, culture & arts, environmental, military/patriotic, and education. This year’s winner in the education category was Jim Kaufman, who taught science at both West Liberty-Salem and Marysville for a total of 38 years. I thought some of you might know him. He also coached multiple sports and remains active in his community in retirement. What an inspiration!

A belated Happy Veterans Day to all of you who have served our country in the armed forces. We’ve been reminded through recent events how our soldiers put themselves at risk every day, and sometimes danger comes from the most unlikely and unthinkable sources. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to all who have served and are serving—take time to thank a veteran every chance you get!

Have a great weekend!