Thursday, January 31, 2008

February 1, 2008

Well, January has slipped away (where did it go?) and here comes February! And you may be reading this from home or at school on Monday if Friday’s weather pans out as forecast. But even with the crazy, roller-coaster weather we’ve had this week, I'm seeing signs of spring. The days are getting longer, and I saw two really fat robins outside my window this week.

Last week, several members of our administrative team, Shane Haggerty, and I attended the Ohio Association of Career-Technical Education Legislative Conference. We were able to meet with all six of our legislators and share with them the good news about Ohio Hi-Point. We also provided them with electronic decision-making machines (assembled by our Electronics Technology class) to help them with those tough decisions they make! While this is not a state budget year (that comes next year!), we know it’s important to stay in front of our legislators and build those relationships so that when we do need to lobby for continued funding and legislative support, they’re well aware of the value we add to public education in Ohio. Thanks to my administrators and Shane for representing us so well!

At our Board Meeting each month, we recognize both our male and female students of the month. We always give the student, parents, or students’ guests an opportunity to say anything they would like on behalf of the student. I was especially touched by the comments made by the parents at last week’s meeting. One thanked the staff and Board for allowing her daughter to “chase her dream.” The other spoke at length about the quality of instruction and dedication of our staff. I wish you all could have been there to hear them—you’re the ones who deserve the credit! But I certainly wanted to pass those comments along to you.

On Tuesday, we hosted our second “Straight-A Breakfast” for our students who maintained straight A’s for second quarter. What a treat it is for me to be able to spend some time with this group of enthusiastic, hard-working students! It’s sometimes hard to figure out what is the best reward for teenagers; but Nila, JoEtta, Shane, and I decided that food and time out of class is probably the ultimate reward! Thanks to these folks for their work in setting up such a nice event.

Many times I’ve shared with you comments that I’ve heard out in the community about our school. But I know I’m not the only one who hears those comments, and they’re heard in the most unlikely of places! JoAnn Ventresco, English teacher on Main Campus, shared the following with me just this week:

I had to share an experience I had yesterday. I was at the chiropractor, and I was actually lying on the table, waiting for my adjustment. Well, there was a boy on the other table next to me and they were working on him first. His mother was standing there asking him questions. She said, “Did you have a good day?” The boy replied, “Yeah, I went to Hi-Point!” Of course I said something about working there, so I asked him if he enjoyed his visit and he said, “Yes!” That was the extent of it so the doctor could continue working, but I thought it was pretty neat. He was very enthusiastic. He must have been on one of the 8th grade tours yesterday. I guess they are telling their parents about it so our mission is getting accomplished!

Thanks for sharing, JoAnn, and for conveying to this potential student your friendliness and interest in his visit! It will just add to the positive experience he obviously had during his visit.

I hope this storm prediction is all a terrible mistake and that we’re all here on Friday with sunny skies. But if not, enjoy your extended weekend and be careful if you have to go out!